Uses of Class

Packages that use BodyContent

Uses of BodyContent in javax.servlet.jsp

Methods in javax.servlet.jsp that return BodyContent
 BodyContent PageContext.pushBody()
          Return a new BodyContent object, save the current "out" JspWriter, and update the value of the "out" attribute in the page scope attribute namespace of the PageContext

Uses of BodyContent in javax.servlet.jsp.tagext

Fields in javax.servlet.jsp.tagext declared as BodyContent
protected  BodyContent BodyTagSupport.bodyContent

Methods in javax.servlet.jsp.tagext that return BodyContent
 BodyContent BodyTagSupport.getBodyContent()
          Get current bodyContent

Methods in javax.servlet.jsp.tagext with parameters of type BodyContent
 void BodyTag.setBodyContent(BodyContent b)
          Setter method for the bodyContent property.
 void BodyTagSupport.setBodyContent(BodyContent b)
          Prepare for evaluation of the body It will be invoked at most once per action invocation.